Liver Biopsy

Endoscopic Intervention

What Is Liver Biopsy?

A liver biopsy is a medical procedure performed to collect a small sample of the liver tissue for a thorough examination. This examination is performed under a microscope which helps to make a clear diagnosis of any kind of liver disease and further assessment of liver damage. Moreover, this method is also used for screening for liver cancer.

Why Is a Liver Biopsy Performed?

  • Diagnosis to Check Overall Liver Condition: It is performed to diagnose various liver conditions, including liver diseases, infections, inflammation, and tumors.
  • Understanding the Severity of a Disease: It helps in determining the intensity of liver diseases such as liver fibrosis, cirrhosis, or hepatitis. 
  • Monitoring Disease Progression: It allows for the monitoring of disease progression and response to treatment over time, aiding in adjusting treatment strategies accordingly.
  • Identifying Underlying Causes for Complete Prevention: Identifying underlying causes of liver abnormalities, such as alcohol-related liver disease, autoimmune disorders, metabolic conditions, or genetic disorders.

Advantages of Liver Biopsy

  • Better Treatment Planning: Guide treatment decisions, such as selecting appropriate medications or determining the need for further interventions like surgery or liver transplantation. 
  • Quick & Painless: This procedure, when performed by an expert physician can be done in a few minutes and involves almost no pain.
  • Outpatient Basis: Since the following is performed in a few minutes, it does not require any hospitalization and is done on an outpatient basis.

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